Thursday, May 16, 2024

Fergy's Story About His Relationship With Grey Bob


Fergy's Story About His Relationship with Grey Bob:

From Fergy:

Question #1: How bob got in the portal? He answers that he can make a portal at will at any place in the universe in time and space except the future because the future has not been written yet. Question #2: The portal is as far as I can remember our first interaction. This is his introduction into my life. We described what he said from the portal and that interaction and explanation of what it all means. Question#3: He was in the portal only about 15 minutes so we could clearly see each other and I could see him in his true form in real time face to face. He was in his space ship the entire time. He never left his ship. The portal was like face time. I could see him where he is and he could see me where i was. He never stepped out of the portal. I am under direct control of the grey collective. Bob is the boss of his crew and I am now part of his crew. So I am under direct supervision of Grey Bob. He has ushered me to be a channel for the greys pertaining to spiritual evolution of human beings. We intend to keep this relationship in perpetuity, doing as much as we can for people throughout both of our lifetimes.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Mark's ET Story 2018

Mark's ET Story

Mark was camping near Mesa Arizona for about 2 weeks in 2018. While he was camping, this young woman came out of nowhere and hung out with him during the time he was there. Mark claimed he could read her mind and he could read his mind. They would be talking about the same things most of the time. He felt she wasn't from earth although she never told him that. There was something about her that made her different than earth humans. Then she disappeared to nowhere to be found around the campground. She came on foot and disappeared that way.