Thursday, August 30, 2018

Dream of Contact from Vega


I dreamed of seeing a spaceship with a group of people I know from skywatchers group and then woke up.  A couple of days later I attended a woman’s shamanic group and did a shamanic journey into my dream.  When I visited the dream I saw a group of people sitting outside in the backyard of a house seeing the spaceship in the sky with three bright lights.  The spaceship landed on a hill in the back of the house that is used for a helicopter pad.  The group walked up to the helicopter pad to see who got out of the spaceship.  A human man and a woman with long pants and hoods that they pulled back.  The man had dark blond hair and the woman had brown hair although both had dark complexions.  They told our group they were from the planet Zuniga in the Vega Star System about 28 light years from earth.  They said they like visiting earth, but find earth humans very hostile.  They said we need to grow spiritually.  They also said that some people on earth are spiritually advanced while many other aren’t and the whole planet needs to heal so others can catch up.  They also said they are our friends so we don’t need to fear them because they want to help.

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