Monday, August 21, 2023

Russell's Contact Story

 Russell's Contact Story:

In 2010 , I was traveling with a friend to buy a guitar for an album I was recording. Suddenly, a mile ahead, an orange orb appeared, and changed direction 180 degrees as i watched it, moving towards the car. My friend, the driver, was in a daze, and had no interest in the object, and was talking as if drugged. I decided to remote view inside the craft. I quickly saw myself inside a circular room, with a long corridor stretching hundreds of years on the left hand side., at right angles to it. The walls seemed molded, nothing had any seams. There were displays with lights built into panels that went all around the room. Five figures were looking studiously at the panels analyzing the data, each of them was four foot tall, white, faintly glowing with skin that seemed very smooth, and with large almond shaped black eyes. One of them sensed me and was looking at me from his peripheral vision very casually, as if not at all surprised or bothered I was there. There were small mini rectangular screens, not square like a tv, and lots of lights flashing in sequences. And controls that were manual, buttons etc but modern not like the 1950s. I only saw about 5 beings but felt there were more down the corridor. The corridor was not well lit. The lighting in the main circular room was soft, like mood lighting. Everything is white, except the lights coming from the panels molded into the walls. which show red green blue. There were no windows although I could not see the whole of the room, I was standing in the corridor seeing around half of the room, the rest was blanked out by a pillar. I was viewing inside the craft for a couple of minutes before "coming to" inside the vehicle I was being driven in, and watched as the orange orb disappeared from the top down over a period of one minute. And yet I could still sense its presence, as if they had shown me how they could "cloak" a craft.

Monday, May 15, 2023


Barry's UFO Story:

It was 1985 and I was a bar manager and had a 30 mile drive home each night , one night I was driving home over this bridge and I caught a reflection on the water and got past the bridge pulled over and got out of my car and looked towards the bridge and see a huge craft about a 200 yards hovering over the river … I quickly ran up the river through the trees to get a better look … it was making no sound …. I got close to it and looked up and seen windows all the way around it and seen figures in the windows … my heart was pounding I was so scared and I ran back to my car and sped off and when I got home I woke up mom and dad and told them what I had see so we all got on our upper deck to try and see it but we couldn’t….. I never got to sleep that night and to this day I’m just not sure if I was abducted or not. The craft was was silver with windows where I saw those images and the river was underneath the craft so it was above the trees on both sides.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Imaginary Friend From Sirius

 When I was around 6 years old, I had an imaginary friend from Sirius constellation who I pretended to go horseback riding with in my backyard.  I used to call her Rachel and she dressed like a princess.  She would only come to visit me when I wanted a riding partner.  Rachel rode a pony and said there was lots of horses on her planet.  I used to think I made up this imaginary friend in my mind, but later found out she was an ET spirit guide.  I found out more about my contact experience recently with hypnosis.