Sunday, July 5, 2015

Jimi Hendrix’s Close Encounter in 1965
From pages 32-34 of Jimi Hendrix: Starchild

                The event took place on a cold winter’s night near Woodstock, New York, in 1965, and if it hadn’t been for the occupants of this metallic craft, Jimi and I as well as the rest of our band would probably have frozen to death that night in upstate New York.  It was about 4:00AM and we were trying our best to get back to Manhattan, which is a drive of over 100 miles.  We were driving in one of the worst blizzards I can recall.  The winds were whipping the snow around our van so fiercely that we missed the turn off leading to the state highway that would have put us in the direction of the city.  The next thing I remember is getting stuck in a snow drift that reached the hood of our vehicle.  Soon it got so cold that the windows and locks on the doors froze up.  The heater was on full blast to protect us from the rawness of the elements, but we were convinced that we would soon be turned into human icicles.  We had to make a decision fast and that was to leave the van’s heater on and possibly die from carbon monoxide poison or shut off the heater and freeze to death.
                Suddenly on the road in front of us appeared this bright phosphorescent, cone shaped space capsule.  It landed in the snow about 100 feet a head and remained there silently for a few minutes on a tripod landing gear.  We just couldn’t believe our eyes.  I prodded Jimi, but he didn’t answer.  He seemed to be staring out into the night.  The other occupants in the band didn’t respond and I was overwhelmed by fright and the fact there was a strange ship on the road just ahead of us.  The door opened on the side of the craft and an entity came forth.  He stood eight feet tall, his skin was yellowish, and instead of eyes, the creature had slits.  His forehead came to a point and his head ran straight into his chest leaving this impression that he had no neck.  The being from the UFO proceeded to float to the ground and glided toward the trapped occupants of our van.  It was then I noticed that the snow was melting in the wake of the creature.  It was as if his body were generating tremendous amount of heat or energy so much that the snow disappeared around us in all directions.  This being came over to the side of the van where Jimi sat and Jimi was telepathically communicating with this being to thank him for saving our lives.
              Immediately the van heated up and we were roasting inside.  The heat from this being evaporated the snow enough to free our imprisoned vehicle.  The snow drift had completely vanished.  The object was lifting off like a rocket from a launching pad.  As far as I was concerned, a miracle had transpired.  Jimi never did talk about the incident.  I sort of suspect that the object arrived to save our necks chiefly because Jimi had been practicing trying to communicate with the beings on board.  I know this may be hard to believe, but I’m putting it to you straight, just like it happened.

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