Friday, August 21, 2015

John Sistrunk’s 2008 Contact Story

I forgot to tell you about one of the first conscious contact experiences I had back in 2008. I went with some friends to see the Marfa Lights. They appeared, and did very plain straight line patterns of yellowish white light. I projected my consciousness to them (this was long before Dr Greer's training, but I had already been involved in very similar practices for a few years) and sent a feeling of greetings. It there was a delayed response of about half a minute or so. That told me it was some kind of inter-dimensional rift.

Shortly after I walked away from the public viewing area and sat in the road side desert to meditate. I then felt a pressure above me and looked up to see that a perfectly circular part of the sky was darker than the rest. I immediately knew it was a craft of some sort.

Then I felt a presence approach me from the front. In my mind's eye I saw it as an old Native American looking woman. However, I could feel that it was a projection to make me more comfortable. The being finally revealed itself to be a grey. I didn't feel alarmed. In fact, I felt quite comfortable with this Being. There wasn't much of an exchange that I can remember, but it was a nice moment of just acknowledging each other and appreciating the company. Before long I had to rejoin my group.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Chuck’s First Encounter

This incident happened when I was about nine and again when I was sixteen years old. I was lying in bed, when I felt like someone was in my bedroom.  At first, I thought as was having a nightmare. However, I was wide awake and discovered that I could not move.

There was a presence of a humanoid who appeared to be very old. He had long hair with some sort of headgear. He floated and appeared to be around 4 feet tall.  He wore a silvery robe and a hat.  He had grey skin and was a solid figure (not shadowy).  He also had a blue glow around him and stood near my knees at the side of my bed.

He stared at me and made a sound like: “Shhhh-sha-sha-sha-sha-shhhaaaa.”  As he made this sound he pointed at me with his long, thin index finger. His finger was moving up and down as he continued this sound.

Since this was my first encounter around nine years old, it scared the hell out of me. I tried to scream; I opened my mouth and there was no sound. I tried to move and could not. However, he continued his communication. Then he disappeared. This continued for a few months. It wasn’t every night, but the message was the same and the fear engulfed my youthful mind. I did not happen for a long time. I kind of put it out of my mind, but not altogether.

It was until I was around sixteen when these events repeated. This time, I was more curious and had the urge to endure it as long as possible. I stifled my fear as much as I could. I could not move and this time I had tried to speak, but my words would not be heard as there was no sound, although my lips were moving. I tried concentrating, to no avail. His message was the same. “Shhhh-sha-sha-sha-sha-shhhaaaa.” His long, thin index finger, as before, was moving up and down as he continued this sound. Then suddenly he was gone. I finally was able to move. It took a few minutes, but it seemed longer. Again, this incident repeated over a few months. That was the last time this happened.

I have only told a couple of people, due to how one can be easily judged. One person I told relayed to me a very similar incident which happened to him in 2004. He also agreed that telling these events will bring only ridicule from many.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Ricky Butterfass’s Contact Experience from the book
Paths to Contact on pages 91-93

                All of a sudden, I could see in my mind’s eye, my third eye.  I saw a flying saucer (UFO). This disk shaped object descended straight down and stopped inside of a cloud.  I could see the moon and its silvery light shining through the cloud with the disk at the cloud’s dark center.  The next thing that I knew I was being taken up into a turquoise, blue cone shaped vortex of light.  Because of all the events that followed, at the time I believed it was my astral body being taken up, not my physical body.  However, I am not so sure now.  It could have been both.  The event was so unusual and new to me that it was very difficult to comprehend.   I felt my head tilt and my chin lifted up.  I felt my tensor typani tighten up in my ears and my eardrums began to vibrate.  I felt myself being pulled up headfirst, up through the ceiling and flat roof of my top floor apartment.  My three bedroom apartment was located on the right side corner and on the street side of my six story apartment building.  I was encased inside a swirling tornado of turquoise blue light.  I could see the bottom of the UFO and I went up through the bottom of the dark oval ET craft.
                The next thing I knew I was on board the UFO.  I was inside a very large bright white compartment.  I stood up, walked over, and looked through a narrow window about six inches wide and fourteen inches long.  I could see that I was looking in on some sort of control deck.  The deck seemed round or circular.  As I looked in, I could see five or six beautiful, human-looking women who appeared to be in their mid-twenties.  All but one were seated at control panels making adjustments with their hands.  I could see colored lights coming on and going off.  The woman who wasn’t seated was standing in a central position.  She seemed to be the coordinator, commander, director, or leader.  I could see her better because she was standing in full view.  She was wearing a form fitting cobalt blue or turquoise jump suit.  It was like a shiny rubber SCUBA divers wet suit.  Her hair was chestnut brown and long.  She was tall and curvaceous.  She was well developed physically, very stunning and a very beautiful woman.  She looked like she was in her late twenties or perhaps thirty. I thought, “This is great!  I always wanted to be on board a flying saucer and here I am on one of them.”  I was happy to be there I felt I was safe because I was not in reality there.  I was really sitting in my living room; this was my astral body on board this craft and they couldn’t see me in my astral body.  As soon as I thought this, they all looked at me in unison.  They could see me!  I had been discovered and they knew what I was thinking.  I thought I had been found somewhere I shouldn’t be. So I brought myself out of my meditation with some difficulty.

                I found myself in my living room still in the lotus position.  I felt very relieved to find myself safe in my apartment.  Just then the dream came real.  I heard a noise coming through the ceiling.  It sounded like the combination of the electrical hum of a high voltage transformer and the sound that an old tank type vacuum on runners makes as you pull it along by the hose.  The noise got louder. The sound made a Doppler shift as it moved across the ceiling.  I looked up at the ceiling.  I turned my head as I followed the sound across the ceiling with my eyes and ears.  I found myself looking out the double French glass doors which were centered in the middle of the large picture windows.  The windows ran the length of the room with a measurement of 14 feet long and 7 feel high.  The curtains were open.  It was a starry moonlit night.  I could see the outline of a dark rounded object slowly come into view.  Suddenly a bright white light flooded the room and the entire apartment complex area. I knew then that the women aboard the ET spacecraft had the technology to track my astral body back to my physical body or to home in on my thoughts, perhaps both.