Friday, August 21, 2015

John Sistrunk’s 2008 Contact Story

I forgot to tell you about one of the first conscious contact experiences I had back in 2008. I went with some friends to see the Marfa Lights. They appeared, and did very plain straight line patterns of yellowish white light. I projected my consciousness to them (this was long before Dr Greer's training, but I had already been involved in very similar practices for a few years) and sent a feeling of greetings. It there was a delayed response of about half a minute or so. That told me it was some kind of inter-dimensional rift.

Shortly after I walked away from the public viewing area and sat in the road side desert to meditate. I then felt a pressure above me and looked up to see that a perfectly circular part of the sky was darker than the rest. I immediately knew it was a craft of some sort.

Then I felt a presence approach me from the front. In my mind's eye I saw it as an old Native American looking woman. However, I could feel that it was a projection to make me more comfortable. The being finally revealed itself to be a grey. I didn't feel alarmed. In fact, I felt quite comfortable with this Being. There wasn't much of an exchange that I can remember, but it was a nice moment of just acknowledging each other and appreciating the company. Before long I had to rejoin my group.

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