Thursday, October 22, 2015

Randy’s ET Encounter:

I had an amazing contact experiences a couple of years ago that absolutely changed my life forever. It was August 6, 2013 in Scottsdale Arizona when I first met them up close. I literally woke up that morning and something inside me told me to go out onto my patio that night and they would be waiting for me. So I waited for it to get dark that night and around 9:30 pm I went outside to meet them. I somehow knew they would show up and all I had to do was ask them to come down. So I said, “if you guys are out there, will you please come down and get in front of my camera so I can take you're picture”. I somehow knew with 1,000% certainty they would show up and sure enough 18 seconds later one actually did show up. It looked like a blue avocado and was just hovering there in the sky while I took a photograph of it. At the time I was so excited to see a light being just show up and all I had to do was ask. I was blown away and my level of excitement was off the charts. I remember about 5 minutes later a few more came down to get a closer look at me and I was just blown away. Now the reason I was so certain I could ask them to show up was because I had had a UFO encounter a decade earlier in 2004 where one white UFO craft was hovering in the sky a few hundred feet above my house.
On that day I had my first telepathic contact with these beings that was amazing. I just had a thought and they would move their UFOs around in the sky anywhere I wanted them to go in the middle of a sunny day in Los Angeles. I remember thinking “wow, I wish I could see this UFO take off at high speed” and sure enough as soon as I had that thought, they read my mind and 2 other UFOs came flying over the top of this UFO at high speed heading right at each other. I was speechless because they performed the most amazing maneuvers heading right at each other and were able to time it so they both ended up exactly above the original UFO at the same time. I just stood there looking through binoculars at the first craft that had been hovering there. The bottom half of the UFO was spinning in one direction and the top was stationary. I was thinking “wow, I wish I could see this UFO hovering here take off and go over that mountain range” and as soon as I had that thought, the UFO took off slowly, then it took off at high speed and cleared the mountain range about 10 miles away in less then 10 seconds. I was shocked at that point and then all the sudden these star beings came down from the other side of the freeway that was right next to my house and started to fly by about 50 feet or so above my head very slowly at about 3 mph. I saw about 10 of these beings just floating through the air in the middle of the day in Los Angeles California. I was just standing there thinking what are these beings. They were every color in the rainbow and rectangular in shape about 3 or 4 feet long and about 2 feet wide. They flew over my head just a few feet away and I remember thinking, “They know who I am now'. I thought they must have a picture of me now and they know where I live so I was really excited to see them.

Fast forward back to August 6, 2013 on my patio when I asked for my inter-dimensional friends to show up on my patio. Now what happened over the next few days blew my mind on many levels. The second night about a dozen light beings showed up again and I got photographs of them as well. Then on the 3 rd night, thousands of orbs showed up in the sky all around me and I was amazed to see such a sight that words could not explain what I was feeling. At the time I was in a bad place physically, I weighed around 400 lbs and was handicapped for 10 years and could not stand up for more then 5 minutes because of back pain. So I asked my new inter-dimensional friends, “if you can heal my body can you do something to help me”...Then all the sudden I started to feel this rush of energy go through my body and I was starting to feel the most amazing energy building up inside my body. I couldn’t believe it, but I started to feel a tremendous surge of energy running through my body so I knew they were healing my body while I was standing there. I remember the most amazing feeling took over my body while I stood there. I noticed for the first time in years, I was not feeling ANY back pain. I thanked them for helping me and told them I loved them and took several photographs of my inter-dimensional friends while they were there. They are orb shaped and come in every color of the rainbow as well. The next day I went for a one mile walk, something I had not been able to do in almost 10 years.

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