Friday, January 8, 2016

Michael’s ET contact experiences:
Part I

A friend asked me today to write about my experiences with extraterrestrials. I thought that now that everybody is all pissed off at me I could take this opportunity to write here where it would be easy to share but still be low key and largely unnoticed since so many people seem to hate me at the moment. It is a little bit difficult to write about it at this time as my emotional state rite now makes that very difficult. The first time I encountered an extraterrestrial being I was about 4 years old in my mother’s house. The being mentioned to me that all life in the universe has some common grounds and that their species has it in their best interest to be in harmony and unity with all life in the universe. I understood this to include people on earth. Being four years old I didn't quite know exactly how to process the information I was observing. The beings small mouth did not appear to move at all. I understood clear English words coming from her but it’s as if she was speaking to me without having to move her mouth at all. I was so stunned and in shock that I would not remember the event again, until 40 years later at the age of 44, at which point in time memories of my experiences on the crafts would gradually begin to migrate back into my mind, little by little, one by one. I remember faces much like the stereotypical grey aliens you see in the magazines and toy stores and media. Most of my memories are of looking up at them. When I was four years old I was looking up into the beings eyes, in the dark hallway in my mom’s house, late at night after getting up to go to the bathroom.

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