Friday, January 8, 2016

Michael’s ET contact experiences:
Part III
I recall seeing metallic walls on board the crafts and very unfamiliar strange controls with no moving parts. I have a memory of a spherical hologram of brightly colored light which seems to be used as some type of implement or control. I remember seeing grey aliens in one piece jump suits walking and looking very busy at work. When I speak to them I get looks much like you might expect to receive from a very busy doctor or lawyer. Their responses were often cordial yet brief and there was a clear understanding that there was very little time for hanging out and joking. I saw other humans on board the crafts as well. Some were working and some were scientific subjects just like me. The ones who were working wore one piece jump suits just like the greys had. The humans working on the crafts seemed to converse freely with one another as well as with the greys. Some humans I saw working on the crafts spoke with one another but I do not have a clear recollection about what was said. One man mentioned to another that there was fruit available to eat but most of my memories of being on the crafts are quite ambiguous. This is by design and intention of the grey aliens. They erase some memories of the event and allow the abductee to recall some of the memories at convenient times. I do have some memory of laying on a table at times. I also have memories of lying in a prone position but hovering in the air in some kind of controlled zero gravity environment. I was always nude when I wake up on the crafts. I remember seeing anywhere from about 3 to about 20 grey aliens in the area of the craft where I was at any given point in time but I also remember seeing them walking in and out of my area. I also remember seeing 1 or 2 other humans who were subjects like I was well as 3 or 4 humans who also appeared to be working on the crafts in cooperation with the grey aliens. I don't recall seeing any chairs or computer screens or monitors at first, but I do later. I do remember seeing very strange looking implements with no moving parts which appeared to be part of the permanent structure of the craft. Some of those implements had bright colors and bright and also some dim lights of various colors. The greys would handle them with their hands sometimes and I also believe that sometimes they controlled them or conversed with them telepathically. There were also similar implements which were portable and not part of the craft which the grey aliens would move during their work.  Some were small enough to hold in your hands and some of these tools needed to be moved by up to 3 grey aliens. Oddly I noticed that the human members of the team did not handle the implements at all. I don't know why or have any idea why that is. I don't think I was hovering over a table. If I was hovering then there wasn't a table. Sometimes I was woke up hovering but other times I remember waking up on the table. When I woke up on the table I was looking up at their faces. The times when I was hovering in the air I think I was at their eye level, which was sometimes in a zero gravity environment by the way.  About the computer monitors I only remember seeing about 2 or 3 and they were only used by the humans and not by the greys. The spherical hologram may be important. It seemed to be near a central location of the craft, not exactly bullseye center but close to it. Please don't overdo the computer monitors. That would be misleading. Also about the computers again they weren't being used by the grey aliens. They were being used by humans working on the craft. They grey alien communicate with the craft directly via telepathy and the craft seems to be an automated robotic type of entity which follows their thoughts and wishes directly. I may have failed to mention that the crafts were developed by an evolutionary precursor to the grey aliens and the grey aliens evolved entirely aboard the crafts. They have an entirely different relationship with technology than we do.   I do not want to end this journal without mentioning that I have experienced very enjoyable bonding experiences with the grey aliens.

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