Friday, January 8, 2016

Michael’s ET contact experiences:
Part II
The memories of the crafts and seeing them on the crafts give me a sense of how tall they are. They have 2 legs and 2 arms and 1 head as we humans do. I am slightly over 6 feet tall and their physical height compared to mine would place the top of their heads approximately at the level of my upper abdomen in most cases. Their strong tendency in my case is to take me aboard the crafts when I do not strongly object to it. In many of the memories I have of the crafts I recall laying in a prone position and as I said before looking up at them. I am a subject they keep under observation from time to time to observe sleep patterns. They have told me this and that they like to study my sleeping patterns. There have been numerous instances throughout my life when I remember being on the crafts. There does not appear to be any particular chronological pattern I can identify as far as when they bring me aboard their space crafts. They seem to happen at times in my life when the events are most appropriate or convenient. When my son was 2 years old in the spring of 2005 on a Friday evening when the sky was dark, my son and I both witnessed a disc shaped object approximately the size of a small office building hovering above our house at about 200 feet above the ground. It shined a bright white light into our back yard for about 3 or 4 seconds and then swiftly shot up into the night sky. Since my son was only 2 at the time he just stared at the object and didn't seem to comprehend the full magnitude of the event. When he asked me what it was I told him honestly as I like to develop his trust that I think it was a space ship. He said "really daddy?" and a few days later forgot the event entirely. He didn't even tell his mother, and because I did not remember my experiences with these extraterrestrial beings until after I was divorced, I have never told my ex-wife that I have spent time with these extraterrestrial beings. The only person in my family who knows is my 13 year old son and he does not share that information. There are good memories and there are bad memories. I have spent enough time with them in my life that I call them family now. I have never known them to use names. They appear to not identify or label individuals. Some earth humans demonize them as impersonal monsters because they do not refer to individuals as individual entities but rather to the living being they claim lives as one with all life in the universe with a common collective consciousness. Many earth humans do not perceive this because they are not consciously aware of the universal life source and do not perceive the collective universal consciousness. This is what extraterrestrial beings have told me. For this reason many humans appear to view them as impersonal institutional creations. In reality although these extraterrestrial beings view life in a way that earth humans are very unaccustomed to they perceive all life in the universe as existing in unity. Their mode of direct communication from individual to individual is telepathic. This is also how they communicate with large groups or populations. When they communicate telepathically with people on earth many of the people on earth are not consciously aware of the transactions but converse with them only on a subconscious level. This makes some people of earth angry when they learn about this because earth human prefer a more personable individualized discourse.

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