Friday, December 25, 2015

My dream of male Nordic ETs:

Last year (2014) I dreamed I saw a spaceship land in my back yard at night.  What stepped out of the spaceship was two Nordic men.  Wiki says they are from the Pleiades.

This is what Wiki says of them:
Nordic aliens are said by self-described contactees and some UFOlogists to be a group of humanoid extraterrestrials who resemble Nordic-Scandinavians purported to come from the Pleiades.
Nordics are typically described as six to seven feet tall (about two meters) with long blonde hair and blue eyes, and are commonly reported as being male. Their skin is said to range from fair colored to tanned, they are reported to be in excellent physical shape, and they are sometimes described as wearing skintight clothing. One report notes that they seem to be unaffected by strong odors, as if they have no sense of smell. During the 1950s, many contactees, especially those in Europe, reported beings fitting this description. Such claims became relatively less common in subsequent decades, as the grey alien supplanted the Nordic in most accounts of extraterrestrial encounters, but Nordic aliens are still occasionally reported.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Peter’s contact experience:

I was travelling north from Coupland on Texas 95 when I spotted an unusual object due north, apparently hovering over Taylor, about 7 miles to the north of my position. The rectangular shape was somewhat indistinct at first. At first I thought that it could be a blimp but very quickly realized that it was not. As I got closer it appeared to move slowly westward. At times it appeared to be two long shapes parallel to each other, again somewhat indistinct or blurry. I soon noticed that it was accompanied by a small, white, indistinct, round or oval object (definitely NOT an airplane)and a black helicopter. By the time I was about two miles south of Taylor, the rectangle was clear and distinct, floating on one of its long edges and changing attitude slowly. By the time I reached Taylor at Texas 79 It appeared to be only two-to-three miles to the west, and I was excited that I would have a very close-up view within a couple of minutes. I reached for my phone to call a friend before turning onto 79 and when I looked up a few seconds later it was gone. Judging by the size of the helicopter, the rectangle must have been at least 300 ft long. It had a white or gray stripe lengthwise across its center. No lights were observed on the object.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Dan Arcturus Kapsol’s contact story:

I was sitting at the base of the tallest tree in the forest and I had smoked some DMT.  I started speaking to the tree and the elementals in the forest, they were all telling me to go through the trunk of the tree out the top of the tree, so I did. I entered into a portal that was going straight into the center of the sun (sol). When at the center I got transported to another part of the galaxy in which I passed by Orion/ Pleiades and other systems close by, I finally began approaching Arcturus the 3rd largest star in our galaxy!! As I approached I saw a white light. Then I opened my eyes and saw the 9 Arcturian beings all seemingly blue in color having no hair, purple robes except for one in the middle with a gold robe all of them very tall yet bearing some kind of vibrating aura that seemed holigraphic in nature.... It was shifting colors, they were each holding a small orb... They spoke to me and spoke of love and kindness towards me and invited me to join the council. I accepted and was shown my past lives and the entire history of the cosmos and the ethers. Then they told me to enter into the center of the star Arcturus and embody the memories of planet earth... I did not quite understand and they said its okay we expected you would need to train for this... In which case they said to embody the memory of your life and your incarnations and enter the center of the star Arcturus. I accepted! In which case I saw my entire life flash before my eyes and then I was transported back to the forest by an elemental being and the tree welcomed me back home.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Steve’s close encounter in the 1990s:
Steve is a client of mine.  He told me about an encounter he had one night driving home from fishing on Lake Travis near Austin, Texas.  He was driving down RR 2222 from RR 620 to town around 2 to 3AM in the early morning and saw some large lights in the road ahead of him.  He was fatigued and awake.  He stopped in the road and when he stopped, the saucer shaped ship flew toward him and over his truck.  Steve told me that experience was a real awakening for him.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Dana’s ET Contact Story

I also have had contact while out of body. BUT- I have had plenty of sightings of craft of various types over my life. Including this past year. The "astral" contact is the most enjoyable, because I got to fly a little pod-type craft on one occasion. I kept saying "I can't believe you're letting me FLY this thing". There was an alien with me inside- it was a 2-person craft. On another occasion I was with 3 tall robed beings with large bald heads. They were telling me I had to "go back" (to Earth) and I didn't want to go. So they put me in a kind of "tube" that had NO controls on the inside, but did have controls on the outside because I saw one of them reach out a hand and press them. It moved so fast I felt breathless and I was worried about what would happen when I landed at that speed. I felt myself slam back into my physical body (entering through the crown chakra. It didn't hurt, but it was a very strange sensation. My experiences with craft have all been wide-awake in the physical. Including one that chased me and a friend when we were about 15. We got away. I think. By the way, just this past year my husband saw 3 tall robed alien beings come into our bedroom about 3 in the morning. Kind of went right through the door. When I sat up, there was a huge beam of very bright white light shining through the patio doors. I got up to see the craft, but it was passing over the roof -left a very dark shadow as it passed. We live on a canal leading out to a bay- not many lights around at 3 in the morning-no roads nearby that would have a car that would shine a light like that. This was a BIG light. That has happened several times, just this past year.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

This time I have a story about an ET encounter during a shamanic meditation journey that I had the other night. I ended up encountering a green ET that glowed in a beautiful forest. The ET forest being said we must preserve the forests and take care of all the animals that inhabit them.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Randy’s ET Encounter:

I had an amazing contact experiences a couple of years ago that absolutely changed my life forever. It was August 6, 2013 in Scottsdale Arizona when I first met them up close. I literally woke up that morning and something inside me told me to go out onto my patio that night and they would be waiting for me. So I waited for it to get dark that night and around 9:30 pm I went outside to meet them. I somehow knew they would show up and all I had to do was ask them to come down. So I said, “if you guys are out there, will you please come down and get in front of my camera so I can take you're picture”. I somehow knew with 1,000% certainty they would show up and sure enough 18 seconds later one actually did show up. It looked like a blue avocado and was just hovering there in the sky while I took a photograph of it. At the time I was so excited to see a light being just show up and all I had to do was ask. I was blown away and my level of excitement was off the charts. I remember about 5 minutes later a few more came down to get a closer look at me and I was just blown away. Now the reason I was so certain I could ask them to show up was because I had had a UFO encounter a decade earlier in 2004 where one white UFO craft was hovering in the sky a few hundred feet above my house.
On that day I had my first telepathic contact with these beings that was amazing. I just had a thought and they would move their UFOs around in the sky anywhere I wanted them to go in the middle of a sunny day in Los Angeles. I remember thinking “wow, I wish I could see this UFO take off at high speed” and sure enough as soon as I had that thought, they read my mind and 2 other UFOs came flying over the top of this UFO at high speed heading right at each other. I was speechless because they performed the most amazing maneuvers heading right at each other and were able to time it so they both ended up exactly above the original UFO at the same time. I just stood there looking through binoculars at the first craft that had been hovering there. The bottom half of the UFO was spinning in one direction and the top was stationary. I was thinking “wow, I wish I could see this UFO hovering here take off and go over that mountain range” and as soon as I had that thought, the UFO took off slowly, then it took off at high speed and cleared the mountain range about 10 miles away in less then 10 seconds. I was shocked at that point and then all the sudden these star beings came down from the other side of the freeway that was right next to my house and started to fly by about 50 feet or so above my head very slowly at about 3 mph. I saw about 10 of these beings just floating through the air in the middle of the day in Los Angeles California. I was just standing there thinking what are these beings. They were every color in the rainbow and rectangular in shape about 3 or 4 feet long and about 2 feet wide. They flew over my head just a few feet away and I remember thinking, “They know who I am now'. I thought they must have a picture of me now and they know where I live so I was really excited to see them.

Fast forward back to August 6, 2013 on my patio when I asked for my inter-dimensional friends to show up on my patio. Now what happened over the next few days blew my mind on many levels. The second night about a dozen light beings showed up again and I got photographs of them as well. Then on the 3 rd night, thousands of orbs showed up in the sky all around me and I was amazed to see such a sight that words could not explain what I was feeling. At the time I was in a bad place physically, I weighed around 400 lbs and was handicapped for 10 years and could not stand up for more then 5 minutes because of back pain. So I asked my new inter-dimensional friends, “if you can heal my body can you do something to help me”...Then all the sudden I started to feel this rush of energy go through my body and I was starting to feel the most amazing energy building up inside my body. I couldn’t believe it, but I started to feel a tremendous surge of energy running through my body so I knew they were healing my body while I was standing there. I remember the most amazing feeling took over my body while I stood there. I noticed for the first time in years, I was not feeling ANY back pain. I thanked them for helping me and told them I loved them and took several photographs of my inter-dimensional friends while they were there. They are orb shaped and come in every color of the rainbow as well. The next day I went for a one mile walk, something I had not been able to do in almost 10 years.

Friday, August 21, 2015

John Sistrunk’s 2008 Contact Story

I forgot to tell you about one of the first conscious contact experiences I had back in 2008. I went with some friends to see the Marfa Lights. They appeared, and did very plain straight line patterns of yellowish white light. I projected my consciousness to them (this was long before Dr Greer's training, but I had already been involved in very similar practices for a few years) and sent a feeling of greetings. It there was a delayed response of about half a minute or so. That told me it was some kind of inter-dimensional rift.

Shortly after I walked away from the public viewing area and sat in the road side desert to meditate. I then felt a pressure above me and looked up to see that a perfectly circular part of the sky was darker than the rest. I immediately knew it was a craft of some sort.

Then I felt a presence approach me from the front. In my mind's eye I saw it as an old Native American looking woman. However, I could feel that it was a projection to make me more comfortable. The being finally revealed itself to be a grey. I didn't feel alarmed. In fact, I felt quite comfortable with this Being. There wasn't much of an exchange that I can remember, but it was a nice moment of just acknowledging each other and appreciating the company. Before long I had to rejoin my group.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Chuck’s First Encounter

This incident happened when I was about nine and again when I was sixteen years old. I was lying in bed, when I felt like someone was in my bedroom.  At first, I thought as was having a nightmare. However, I was wide awake and discovered that I could not move.

There was a presence of a humanoid who appeared to be very old. He had long hair with some sort of headgear. He floated and appeared to be around 4 feet tall.  He wore a silvery robe and a hat.  He had grey skin and was a solid figure (not shadowy).  He also had a blue glow around him and stood near my knees at the side of my bed.

He stared at me and made a sound like: “Shhhh-sha-sha-sha-sha-shhhaaaa.”  As he made this sound he pointed at me with his long, thin index finger. His finger was moving up and down as he continued this sound.

Since this was my first encounter around nine years old, it scared the hell out of me. I tried to scream; I opened my mouth and there was no sound. I tried to move and could not. However, he continued his communication. Then he disappeared. This continued for a few months. It wasn’t every night, but the message was the same and the fear engulfed my youthful mind. I did not happen for a long time. I kind of put it out of my mind, but not altogether.

It was until I was around sixteen when these events repeated. This time, I was more curious and had the urge to endure it as long as possible. I stifled my fear as much as I could. I could not move and this time I had tried to speak, but my words would not be heard as there was no sound, although my lips were moving. I tried concentrating, to no avail. His message was the same. “Shhhh-sha-sha-sha-sha-shhhaaaa.” His long, thin index finger, as before, was moving up and down as he continued this sound. Then suddenly he was gone. I finally was able to move. It took a few minutes, but it seemed longer. Again, this incident repeated over a few months. That was the last time this happened.

I have only told a couple of people, due to how one can be easily judged. One person I told relayed to me a very similar incident which happened to him in 2004. He also agreed that telling these events will bring only ridicule from many.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Ricky Butterfass’s Contact Experience from the book
Paths to Contact on pages 91-93

                All of a sudden, I could see in my mind’s eye, my third eye.  I saw a flying saucer (UFO). This disk shaped object descended straight down and stopped inside of a cloud.  I could see the moon and its silvery light shining through the cloud with the disk at the cloud’s dark center.  The next thing that I knew I was being taken up into a turquoise, blue cone shaped vortex of light.  Because of all the events that followed, at the time I believed it was my astral body being taken up, not my physical body.  However, I am not so sure now.  It could have been both.  The event was so unusual and new to me that it was very difficult to comprehend.   I felt my head tilt and my chin lifted up.  I felt my tensor typani tighten up in my ears and my eardrums began to vibrate.  I felt myself being pulled up headfirst, up through the ceiling and flat roof of my top floor apartment.  My three bedroom apartment was located on the right side corner and on the street side of my six story apartment building.  I was encased inside a swirling tornado of turquoise blue light.  I could see the bottom of the UFO and I went up through the bottom of the dark oval ET craft.
                The next thing I knew I was on board the UFO.  I was inside a very large bright white compartment.  I stood up, walked over, and looked through a narrow window about six inches wide and fourteen inches long.  I could see that I was looking in on some sort of control deck.  The deck seemed round or circular.  As I looked in, I could see five or six beautiful, human-looking women who appeared to be in their mid-twenties.  All but one were seated at control panels making adjustments with their hands.  I could see colored lights coming on and going off.  The woman who wasn’t seated was standing in a central position.  She seemed to be the coordinator, commander, director, or leader.  I could see her better because she was standing in full view.  She was wearing a form fitting cobalt blue or turquoise jump suit.  It was like a shiny rubber SCUBA divers wet suit.  Her hair was chestnut brown and long.  She was tall and curvaceous.  She was well developed physically, very stunning and a very beautiful woman.  She looked like she was in her late twenties or perhaps thirty. I thought, “This is great!  I always wanted to be on board a flying saucer and here I am on one of them.”  I was happy to be there I felt I was safe because I was not in reality there.  I was really sitting in my living room; this was my astral body on board this craft and they couldn’t see me in my astral body.  As soon as I thought this, they all looked at me in unison.  They could see me!  I had been discovered and they knew what I was thinking.  I thought I had been found somewhere I shouldn’t be. So I brought myself out of my meditation with some difficulty.

                I found myself in my living room still in the lotus position.  I felt very relieved to find myself safe in my apartment.  Just then the dream came real.  I heard a noise coming through the ceiling.  It sounded like the combination of the electrical hum of a high voltage transformer and the sound that an old tank type vacuum on runners makes as you pull it along by the hose.  The noise got louder. The sound made a Doppler shift as it moved across the ceiling.  I looked up at the ceiling.  I turned my head as I followed the sound across the ceiling with my eyes and ears.  I found myself looking out the double French glass doors which were centered in the middle of the large picture windows.  The windows ran the length of the room with a measurement of 14 feet long and 7 feel high.  The curtains were open.  It was a starry moonlit night.  I could see the outline of a dark rounded object slowly come into view.  Suddenly a bright white light flooded the room and the entire apartment complex area. I knew then that the women aboard the ET spacecraft had the technology to track my astral body back to my physical body or to home in on my thoughts, perhaps both.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Evelyn's Close Encounter Story

About the landing: It's the northernmost edge of a long city park. At the time of landing, the stars no longer shine, nor are the clouds lit by bright city lights as they were an hour earlier. In the sky, the very pale night sky, about 2:00 High, a pale white moon is hanging low a good distance from the treetops. Those trees on the (your) left side, are a cluster of magnolias say very dark and lushly grown. There is a barely discernable sidewalk slicing down, like a small hour hand pointed to 8:00. Closer to the viewer is an ordinary concrete park bench with wooden "horizontal" slats of wood.  We were both standing once the saucer appeared on the grass, not half a block down the park the cluster of big magnolias are clustered and only the right side of it was clear of overhead branches. I was 17 and my sister was 23. She could stand an inch taller -- maybe wearing wedgies ("platform" shoes). I'd pointed the saucer out to her in the sky, watched the dark round circle descending overhead while she had gone ahead to sit on the bench. It was such a nice evening, she thought, we could wait outside the apartment building for our parents to come home from a late even shopping.  I'd seen it coming lower, but when I got to where she was sitting, I was aghast to see it already touched down, tucked under the trees. I figure either they'd shot me with a ray cause there seems a missing time which could have been more than a minute long...or either, I might have been able to watch the whole thing but had enough of my memory erased that the touch-down simply was erased from my brain. I may never know. This is the sister who died last November...The two girls will be maybe 1/2 a head top distance between their heights. The younger could be profile. Might show the eldest mostly full-face, eyes wide! They both have long dark hair -- that should help show they are (in fact, highly resembling) sisters. The taller sister could have her arm in front of the younger, in a guarding pose. A leg should be stepping backward. The saucer is over a double roads width from the bench, mostly tucked under the shadow of tree branches, tightly. You can see the green vaguely on the upper contours of the trees. The moon light is so bright... The saucer's dome is visible but not lit...I don't know offhand how to make that show well, but you are an artist, too, the point is, the moonlight was so bright, it was nearly light as day, you could think the green grass was lightly blanketed with ice or snow. Farthest left, there are two separate brick buildings with concrete archway entrances on either side of an alley (but parking spaces shouldn't be available to eyesight from this distance). The saucer is tri-legged, not too high; the vehicle's belly isn't flat on the round should be obvious There are similar trees on the far right side, looking smaller to indicate the wide grassy spread from the magnolia cluster .  The saucer was opening on the side under the trees. The whole thing was little more than half way into the cover of tree branches. It didn't gleam or glow but did look like aluminum and maybe the length of a school bus I will be interested in seeing this. Oh, we wore straight dark skirts a ways below the knees back then, and light short-sleeved sweaters that just pull down a few inches beneath, the natural clinch of the waist -- we also often wore corsets to pull the waist in, back then. Early 1950's fashion (Neither had big boobs).

Monday, July 6, 2015

Eric’s 2nd Dream Story

 I had this one about 2 weeks ago. It is not as profound as my "big dream" but it was still very cool!  I keep having synchronicity around the idea of lucid dreaming for about six months now. So I had this dream that me and someone else were in this area where there were many people...I think it was some sort of park, (yes, it was here on earth). Then, my friend and I looked up at the sky and there were about 30 ships. All of the sudden, I "knew" that I was dreaming. And in that dream, I remembered the importance of lucid dreaming. So I said to myself, "If I am dreaming, I am going to control this dream". So I "made" the ships land with my thoughts, and "made" the beings get out of their ships. I joined them as we gathered in a circle. I do not know where everyone else went to (all of the other humans), but they just disappeared. It was just me and the other beings. These beings (20 of them) were humanoid looking, however, they all looked different than each other. So I asked them, are each of you from different planets, and they told me yes. My curiosity was overwhelming them! I was asking them a million questions. Luckily, they allowed me to ask, more questions than they asked me. One of my questions was do you eat meat? I knew that the answer was already "no", so I am not sure why I asked that. One replied that if they eat meat, it instantly makes them sick. I also found out that at 10 years old, they are mature enough and are "allowed" to travel without the company of an adult, in a craft around their own solar system and such, but they are not allowed to travel to distant places such as across the universe or another realm of reality. I gave each of them a hug and it felt awesome! While I was asking them a million questions in the circle, a couple of them were straying away from the circle and were checking out the trees and such because they were curious as well. All of this communication, by the way, was happening telepathically. They expressed to me telepathically how BIZZARE the notion was that we (humans) think that we are alone and that we are not all connected! They really, really wanted to express to me how weird that was to them!! Now here is the important part of the story.....It wasn't until I woke up that I remembered and realized that there was one adult figure and the rest of them were children. At that point I realized that this whole interaction was with Hybrid children!! Yayayay!! I think it is important to stress the "vibration" that you take back with you to this reality from these types of interactions and lucid dreaming!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Jimi Hendrix’s Close Encounter in 1965
From pages 32-34 of Jimi Hendrix: Starchild

                The event took place on a cold winter’s night near Woodstock, New York, in 1965, and if it hadn’t been for the occupants of this metallic craft, Jimi and I as well as the rest of our band would probably have frozen to death that night in upstate New York.  It was about 4:00AM and we were trying our best to get back to Manhattan, which is a drive of over 100 miles.  We were driving in one of the worst blizzards I can recall.  The winds were whipping the snow around our van so fiercely that we missed the turn off leading to the state highway that would have put us in the direction of the city.  The next thing I remember is getting stuck in a snow drift that reached the hood of our vehicle.  Soon it got so cold that the windows and locks on the doors froze up.  The heater was on full blast to protect us from the rawness of the elements, but we were convinced that we would soon be turned into human icicles.  We had to make a decision fast and that was to leave the van’s heater on and possibly die from carbon monoxide poison or shut off the heater and freeze to death.
                Suddenly on the road in front of us appeared this bright phosphorescent, cone shaped space capsule.  It landed in the snow about 100 feet a head and remained there silently for a few minutes on a tripod landing gear.  We just couldn’t believe our eyes.  I prodded Jimi, but he didn’t answer.  He seemed to be staring out into the night.  The other occupants in the band didn’t respond and I was overwhelmed by fright and the fact there was a strange ship on the road just ahead of us.  The door opened on the side of the craft and an entity came forth.  He stood eight feet tall, his skin was yellowish, and instead of eyes, the creature had slits.  His forehead came to a point and his head ran straight into his chest leaving this impression that he had no neck.  The being from the UFO proceeded to float to the ground and glided toward the trapped occupants of our van.  It was then I noticed that the snow was melting in the wake of the creature.  It was as if his body were generating tremendous amount of heat or energy so much that the snow disappeared around us in all directions.  This being came over to the side of the van where Jimi sat and Jimi was telepathically communicating with this being to thank him for saving our lives.
              Immediately the van heated up and we were roasting inside.  The heat from this being evaporated the snow enough to free our imprisoned vehicle.  The snow drift had completely vanished.  The object was lifting off like a rocket from a launching pad.  As far as I was concerned, a miracle had transpired.  Jimi never did talk about the incident.  I sort of suspect that the object arrived to save our necks chiefly because Jimi had been practicing trying to communicate with the beings on board.  I know this may be hard to believe, but I’m putting it to you straight, just like it happened.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Dayna’s Dream

I had a contact with a Gray alien in a dream.  I walked outside of my house to take the trash out.  It was cold and during the evening.  After I walked into my house, a Gray showed up at my door.  So I got him a blanket and put him in the bathtub.  He put the blanket over himself in the bathtub.  He was very thin with human feature and human eyes, but with gray skin.  He had slanted human eyes with an iris, but not black eyes.  He had no hair, but he did have little ears.  He was a traveler and said his spaceship crashed.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Barbara’s Abduction
From Encounters by Edith Fiorre

BARBARA:  I’m driving about 55 miles per hour and something in my mind says UFO, and I look around the sky though my windows, but I don’t see anything except a very large bright moon.  But the feeling is very strong.  There’s a flash of light.  A UFO stops over my car and brings my car to a halt.  I am taken out of my car.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

From the book “Encounters” by Edith Fiorre

SANDI:  I am sitting in the corner watching TV and there is something on the hill.  I looked up through the window.  There is a light.  I didn’t know if it was on the road or in a pasture, but it got brighter like it was turning on me.  The longer I looked, the heavier I got.  I felt so heavy and the TV got very loud.  I tried to turn it off, but couldn’t get up.  I looked back at the light.  I felt my body raising and higher out into the night.  My other body is still in the chair and I feel light.  It is like I’m going up, up into the night higher and higher into the sky and looking down.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

My friend Keith wrote about his visitation:
The first time, I was asleep, I know, because I had been dreaming, but something woke me up, maybe a noise, or maybe just the feeling...and the KNOWLEDGE...that something or someone was in the room with me.  Then I saw what I thought were men or women that were shorter than the average adult and were all wearing absolutely black robes or garments, and all wearing hoods that totally concealed their faces.  Occasionally faint reflections would flicker in their eyes.  One of them touched me and it seemed like I floated up into the air with them, then it seemed like we were all floating in a slow circle around the room.  I was definitely wide awake now and I sort of fell into the center of the circle and the things in black continued to circle around me and I could see that they were looking at me.  Unlike with astral travel, I was absolutely terrified during this ordeal, and I even tried to yell but could only make a soft muffled, dry sound.  Maybe something was in my mouth.  I have no real concept of how long this first visitation lasted.  I am not sure how I would know, but somehow I knew they were not from this world, but they were not "demons" as we might think of those things in the Bible.  They were beings of intelligence and they were not from Earth.  After a while I felt drowsy and felt myself being lowered into my bed.  I looked and the beings were still around me.  After a few minutes I saw these being simply float upward toward the ceiling then THROUGH the ceiling and they were gone.  I lay in the bed terrified for a long time, maybe a couple of hours or more...then passed out.  In the morning I was no longer afraid but had very clear memory of this visit.

This how they appeared.                            

This is when they floated up to the ceiling.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

This is Cematha.  She is Arman's daughter and has contacted me during meditation.

These are my spirit guides.  They are exterrestrial and come from planets many light years from earth.  They have contacted me during meditation.  Cigara is from a planet called Erra in the Taygeta Constellation which is in the Pleiades Star System, Sajna comes from the Barnard's Galaxy which is the closest galaxey to the Milky Way, and Arman comes from a planet near the star Sirius.  I have also contacted them during hypnosis.